Dr. Buul is a freedom fighter who understands that dismantling the persistent racial stratification and disparities for traditionally underrepresented students in higher education requires both individual and institutional transformation. Understanding this complexity, he skillfully illuminates the strengths inherent in communities of color by offering counter-narratives to the dominant ideology. He simultaneously pushes us to confront how racism, power, and privilege show up in our institutions. These are hard truths to see, verbalize, and address for many institutions. However, Dr. Buul offers a foundation and approach that recognizes our vulnerability but doesn’t allow us to stay there.
Dr. Buul gave our Institution much to reflect on in a powerful, energizing but compassionate and non-judgmental way. He was able to deliver information on being anti-racist to a variety of staff and faculty with different beliefs in a largely white conservative town. His message was powerful and has given our Institution the tools to start shifting our historically racist Institution to a place Brown and Black folks are proud to attend.
had the pleasure of inviting Dr. Buul as a guest speaker to our Black History Celebration (Feb 2021) at Lake Tahoe Community College and his message regarding racial equity in Higher Education was phenomenal. We look forward to inviting him again in the near future.
Dr. Abdimalik Buul brings a unique blend of scholarship and ancestral wisdom to his presentations. He elegantly weaves history to shed light on the racist and oppressive systems that permeate most aspects of our society. He offers a strength-based approach to help us heal from the wounds of white supremacy by grounding the audience in celebration of the extensive contributions to our world by people of African heritage. While unapologetically centering Black genius, he also offers an intersectional lens that uplifts all BIPOC. Every time he has presented at our district, he has left us inspired and energized ready for the deep work of contemplating our own personal growth while arming us with practical tools we can use to make immediate change in our system